A Better View
A Better View
In the stable
he couldn’t see much
lamplight showing a couple of
tired faces; passed that the blur of
beasts and shepherds
the ceiling overhead
untrained eyes barely open
muscles too new to focus
On the shore, he sees the
frontmost line of us pressed in to listen
eyes squinted in concentration
brows slanted up in hope
his partners—seasoned fishermen
row him out a bit
the better to see this mass of seekers
cupping our ears to hear
From the timbers
lifted above the stones
he sees us on the mound—the skull-place
faces of all kinds: sickened pity there
next to merciless disdain
from this elevation he takes
the forgiveness he’s begged for us
and blankets us, all
On the air lifted
focused eyes reach us
he sees and blesses
perched not on tree or boat or manger
clouds provide his limitless vantage
disappearing from our sight
but keenly he sees us always
and always through and through
—David W. Price, May 2021