Giving to St. Francis
System for Making Donations
St, Francis uses the Abundant system for accepting credit card and ACH (auto-draft) donations.
If you have not already done so, please switch to the new system. If you have auto drafts that are active on the old system please reach out to the Parish Administrator Robbie Matteson and he can terminate any auto drafts that are active on the old system.
Access the Abundant system for donations via:
Text: Text SFCH to 73256
QR Code: (See below)
Click the button below
To use the QR Code, open the camera application on your mobile device (iPhone, iPad, or Android) and point it at the image below. Tap the link that appears on your screen and you’ll be taken to the St. Francis page on the Abundant website, where you can enter your information.
2024 Annual Operating Budget for Mission & Ministry
2024 Annual Operating Budget for Mission & Ministry
As your parish asks you to make a commitment for your financial support in 2024, we are reminded of God’s faithfulness and generous grace to us. We are also thankful for your past faithfulness and generosity as well. St. Francis is the place where we are nurtured to live out the way of Christ’s love and service. We ask that you make a commitment to your relationship with God and support the mission and ministries of this wonderful spiritual family.
Another focus of this year’s campaign is the goal of having EVERY household make a commitment pledge to be paid in 2024. While we hope to reach or exceed our financial goal, what is of equal importance is the inclusion of each and every parishioner in funding our ministries and operations, regardless of the size of the contribution. Each person is an important member of Christ’s body and the work we do! We are excited that as each of you makes your annual commitment to God through St. Francis, our parish will continue God’s mission in the world. Thank you for your continued support.
Commitment Goal:$2,100,000
Generations of Faith Capital Campaign
The Generations of Faith Capital Campaign construction is now underway! There was a new master plan developed based on our worship and educational needs which includes construction of the Parish Hall, kitchen, offices and Christian education, adult and youth meeting rooms. These updates will bring the quality of meeting, social and Christian educational spaces up to standard of excellence in our church home.
Other Ways to Give
Altar Flowers
The gift of altar flowers is one that glorifies God by adding natural beauty to our sanctuary. It also touches all who worship with us each week. Flowers may be given in memory or honor of loved ones, in celebration of special occasions like birthdays or anniversaries, or simply in gratitude for God's blessings. After worship, the flowers are distributed to the sick or recovering.
The suggested donation for dedicating altar flowers for Sunday worship services is $150. Please make arrangements with our Altar Guild Flower Chair, Carla Roth.
We also welcome your donations for purchasing poinsettias for Christmas and lilies for Easter. Please watch for seasonal donation information.
Planned Giving
An Invitation to Leave Your Own Legacy
A gift to the church from your estate is a spiritual commitment of loyalty and love. Your gift may be given as your legacy, in memory of a loved one, or for a special occasion. Consider what you feel passionate about. Through your gift, not only will our community be enriched, your life will be too!
We are stewards of God’s bounty. We are caretakers for a brief period, given time, energy, and resources. What we do with these gifts defines the character of our life and the depth of our spiritual understanding.
As for those who in the present age are rich, command them not to be haughty, or to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but rather on God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share, thus storing up for themselves the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life that really is life. 1 Timothy 6:17-19
Gifts of Cash
A gift of cash, whether a one-time or an annual gift, is a simple way of providing much-needed help to the church. Gifts of cash can be invested quickly and easily to provide income that may be used to meet current or future needs of the church.
Gifts of Securities
A gift of appreciated securities is a gratifying way of helping the church and also may have a tax saving benefit to the donor.
Gifts of Life Insurance
A life insurance policy originally purchased to protect a mortgage or to fund a dependent’s education that is no longer needed is an excellent gift to the church. Accumulated cash values may be used to fund future premiums.
Gift Planning in Your Will
A bequest in your will might be the perfect way to help fund future church ministries. A bequest can take the form of a set amount of money, a percentage of an estate, a specific asset, a trust, or the naming of the church as a contingent beneficiary. Sample language for including the church in your will might be: “I give, devise, and bequeath (state amount, description of gift, or a percentage of the estate) to: St. Francis Episcopal Church, 345 Piney Point Road, Houston, Texas 77024.”
Customize Your Gift
We can help tailor your gift to fit your circumstances and accomplish your charitable goal. You may determine in advance what ministry or program you want your gift to support.
God’s Entrusted Resources
Gift planning is one expression of the wise use of the personal resources God has entrusted to us. These gifts will help the church gather the resources for its mission and ministry.
Contact Robbie Matteson, Business Administrator, if you have questions about planned giving or to make arrangements for this type of gift.