Through Outreach we seek to serve our brothers and sisters in Christ who are in need. We encourage all parishioners to find meaningful ways to serve our community, especially the west- and central-Houston neighborhoods in which we live and work. Outreach relies on volunteers like you to share their time and talents in service to others.
Not Sure Where to Start?
We understand that volunteering can be a bit confusing or intimidating when you are new. We want you to have fun as we work together to help others! Please contact us and we’ll help you find a great way to get started. Contact Heather Burkhart for more information.
New Orleans, Louisiana
Youth Mission Trip 2019
Local Opportunities
The Kitty Elliott Coat Drive
Several years ago, teachers in SBISD noticed that many children were not wearing coats during a year of cold winter weather. As a result, MAM was asked to help collect coats and distribute them to children in need. St. Francis Church and SFES answered the call, and in honor of Kitty Elliott, who organized the original coat drive, it has been officially named ‘The Kitty Elliott Coat Drive.’ Collection areas will be set up in St. Francis Church on October 15th and 22nd and in the Day School on October 16th-20th. Any coats you wish to deliver outside of those dates may be left in the church office.
Woodview Elementary School
This nearby SBISD school serves mostly low-income families. Reading Buddies read books in English to students in 1st through 5th grade. Days and hours, grade level and children’s gender are flexible. Contact Elizabeth Kimzey for more information.
Volunteers for Teacher/Staff Assistance for very simple, assorted duties such as copying, laminating, cutting out pictures, etc. are needed. Days and hours are flexible. Assistance is particularly needed at the beginning of each semester to help teachers get ready for the first day of school. Youth from ages 12 may participate with an adult. Contact Elizabeth Kimzey for more information.
Angel Tree at St. Francis
Every Christmas an Angel Tree decorates the Narthex. Parishioners are invited to participate by providing gifts that include bicycles, clothing, shoes, books, toys, or gift cards to low-income families with children who have received financial aid during the year from the Linda Sadler Memorial Fund or other Outreach Ministries of St. Francis.
Contact Heather Burkhart to take part in this fun outreach project.
Dress for Success (DFS)
Each year in March is Send One Suit (S.O.S.) month at Dress For Success. DFS Houston sends out an S.O.S. for professional attire, such as clean, seasonably appropriate and in style, professional suits, separates, handbags, scarves, new pantyhose, gently worn closed-toe shoes and business portfolios. Donations should be placed on hangers and brought to the Narthex each Sunday throughout the month. Clothing donations:
When: Sundays in March
Who: Adults
Where: Narthex of St. Francis Episcopal Church
Contact: Karen Bloomfield
Fair Haven Food Pantry
Members of this parish donate generously to the food pantry at Fair Haven United Methodist Church (1330 Gessner, north of I-10). The food pantry distributes hundreds of bags of groceries each week to food-insecure families in the Spring Branch/Memorial area. Non-perishable food is requested every Sunday, to be placed in the basket in the Narthex.
The Fair Haven Food Pantry is staffed entirely by around 60 volunteers and offers a variety of volunteering opportunities. Volunteers are needed to interview clients, enter client data in computers, sack groceries, pick up bakery goods at grocery stores, receive and coordinate food drives and prepare financial data.
Boys & Girls Country
The Boys & Girls Country Annual Awards banquet is hosted each June at St. Francis. A catered meal is provided to the children, their families, and the Boys & Girls Country staff. Volunteers are needed to serve in the kitchen and assist with table service.
When: Tuesday, June 18, 2019; 5:30–9:00 pm in the Fine Arts Center (FAC)
Who: Adults and families with school-age children
Volunteers are also needed for set-up
Registration is required
Contact: Julie Lowery
Lord of the Streets Episcopal Church (LOTS)
St. Francis serves a hot Sunday morning breakfast to the homeless from time to time each year for LOTS in midtown Houston. Volunteers set up the tables, serve breakfast and break down the room for the next service. Breakfast is provided to volunteers.
Volunteers are needed to help sort and distribute donated clothing, shoes, etc. which are provided to the homeless or low-income families. Volunteers are also needed to help sort the mail into provided mail slots. To find out about additional volunteer opportunities, contact Leiselle Sadler for more information.
Outreach Sunday
Join your parish family for a fun time of service together as we make sandwiches, snack packs, cards, and more to share with the homeless. Watch the church calendar and bulletin for dates each spring and fall when we turn the Parish Hall into a huge assembly line to help others. Donations of single serve packages of chips, pretzels, goldfish, cheese or peanut butter crackers, granola bars and fruit cups are greatly appreciated. Families and Kids of all ages are welcome! We have jobs for big and little hands alike. Contact Marilyn Weaver for more information.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
This friendly Wednesday morning group creates loving shawls for the sick and recovering. No knitting experience required.
When: Every other Saturday at 2 pm
Who: Adults
Where: Stella Blackwell's home
Contact: Sally Jo Flores
Memorial Assistance Ministries (MAM)
MAM is ranked #2 in Houston by Charity Navigator for the number of funds spent on programs and services. MAM’s services include rent and utilities, medical, transportation, clothing, case management, mental health counseling, employment services, free tax preparation, financial education and coaching, immigration legal services, citizenship, GED and English classes.
Volunteer opportunities include working in the Resale store, employment services and teaching English as a Second Language (ESL). Also, needed are receptionist, client interviewer, phone volunteer and data entry. Contact: MAM at 713.574.7540 or volunteers@maministries.org
The Gathering
This ministry is a day care program for 15 - 18 Gathering participants suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Volunteers are needed to help with cooking and serving a fresh cooked meal, entertainment, crafts, yoga and one on one attention.
When: First Friday of the month
Who: Adult volunteers
Where: Wheatcroft Parish Hall
Registration is required
Youth volunteers (ages 8+) may wish to provide entertainment like music or sing-alongs
Contact: Sally Jo Flores
The Beacon
The Beacon provides services that restore dignity, self-respect and hope to Houston’s poor and homeless through the core programs of The Beacon Day Center, Beacon Law, Brigid’s Hope and the Cathedral Clinic. Volunteers are needed to help with the kitchen and meal services, laundry and shower services, client intake and greeting.
Contact: 713.220.9737, www.beaconhomeless.org or Mark Clark