A Hike in the Mountains
There were three below the summit and three up on the peak,
the day that glory shone with light divine.
The one whom all had hoped for, the fulfillment we all seek,
with shining face and clothing gave the sign.
The two that stood there with him, both prophets of the word:
Moses and Elijah spoke with him.
For the three just down from them, no specifics could be heard
but flames within them, lit, would never dim.
These were the rough-cut fishermen, James, his brother, John,
and Simon Peter; all were struck with awe.
They hoped this glimpse of holiness could linger on and on,
holding on to all they felt and saw.
But the prophets in this vision dissolved, and left just four:
the Teacher and three of the Twelve he taught.
He brought them down the mountain, knowing they would see much more,
and from paradox learn the truth they sought.
Another mountain waited, the place of the skull
and what will seem the end would launch true hope.
The darkness of that gruesome day will shine and never dull.
No one can name the vastness of its scope.
Transfigured on Mount Tabor, our Savior shown, supreme
And though on Calvary looked to be undone,
his love emanated; from every action did he gleam.
Thus, we come to love and worship, God the Son.
—DWP, February 2022