The Place I Belong

The Gospel according to Luke is unique in some wonderful ways. The infancy stories there introduce us to some fascinating people. On the Feast of the Presentation of our Lord, February 2, every year, we hear again the story of Joseph and Mary bringing the baby Jesus to the temple to complete the requirements of the Law of the Lord. Mary will receive ritual purification after giving birth, and Jesus, the first-born son will be presented as holy to the Lord. Sacrifices will be offered.: doves or pigeons.

When they arrive, there are two different figures, almost permanent fixtures in the Temple, who greet the Holy Family. Simeon, upright and devout, is watching and waiting for the coming Messiah, convinced that the Holy Spirit has promised he will see the Lord’s Christ before he dies. He lives expecting to see the salvation of Israel. The other person captivates me: the venerable prophet, Anna. As a young woman she had seven years of married life, then was widowed, and in this story is eighty-four years of age. She spent her whole life in the Temple and worshiped God night and day with fastings and prayers. With prophetic intuition, she knew at once that there was something utterly unique and redemptive about the baby, Jesus. She praised God, and thereafter spoke about Jesus to all those in Jerusalem who deeply expected redemption.

Just four verses of the Gospel, Luke 2:36-38, introduce us to Anna. But even with this brief appearance, I imagine that her influence in opening people to what would come from Jesus later was vast. I offer this sonnet as a highlighting of Anna’s importance.

 Anna’s Sonnet

O, this temple the place where I belong
despite the stones that form it, hard and cold
despite my frame, these bones so tired and old
my soul still daily breaks out into song.

Scant amounts serve well for food and water
To be here is enough, don’t think me odd
I only seek to tell the things of God
Prayer, the feast for this old, simple daughter.

Look, the child now come has something more!
Jerusalem, yearning to be redeemed
I saw at once in him how glory streamed
What blessings for us might he have in store?

These old stone halls have always served me well
Now, in him, I ever seek to dwell.

                                     David W. Price, February 2022

The Rev. David Price