Mon Wed Fri?
I want to find my way into fitness I truly do. I only wish the components identified with fitness were easier to apply routinely. Efforts for health need to be consistent. In a perfect world, I would get run consistently. For me (a guy my age, etc.) the pattern of three days a week of running has brought the best results. Though serious runners run daily, I do not; I take a recovery day between runs, sometimes two. Walking I can do it daily, but I take days of rest for running. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday would work beautifully, but I often must adjust for factors such as schedules, and weather.
Physical fitness is a blessing when it is possible because it affects so much positively. Spiritual fitness is an additional consideration. It has positive results too, but the faithful work at it not for its benefits, but out of love for God. In God, we live and move and have our being. When we discover that, we begin to seek it every day. Our zeal for active enrichment in God fluctuates because we are human, but the clear ideal is daily devotion to the Creator of the Universe. By the fruit of the Spirit, by the palpable grace of God, we come to desire giving ourselves wholly to the One who gave us life. It is not a Mon-Wed & Fri thing, but every day. Psalm 145 indicates how we do this because of who God is and not merely because of our needs.
1 I will exalt you, O God my King, *
and bless your Name for ever and ever.
2 Every day will I bless you *
and praise your Name for ever and ever.
3 Great is the Lord and greatly to be praised; *
there is no end to his greatness.
It is our deep inner desire to seek and praise God. As we often say, “It is meet and right so do…meet, right and our bounden duty.” We discover ways of honoring God through our actions of service and compassion, through our words—conversation and worship, through our study of holy writings, and our private prayers.
There is a group of people at church faithful to Morning and Evening Prayer on Zoom video conference sessions. They are faithful for the Eucharist on Sundays, and then Monday through Saturday faithful as well in reading and praying the Daily Office. As the Psalm above says, “Every day will I bless you and praise your Name for ever and ever.” We discover that our faith and expression of devotion to God is not Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Clearly, it is every day. It fulfills deeply, to stay so connected to the Maker of heaven and earth.