Listen Up, Nicodemus

The Gospel Lesson for Trinity Sunday is that wonderful conversation between Jesus and Nicodemus, recorded in the third chapter of John’s Gospel. I let the following verse (John 3:8) prompt me for something of a Holy Spirit sonnet, below.

Jesus answered Nicodemus,” You must be born from above.’ The wind blows where it chooses, and you hear the sound of it, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.”

Mysterious Third Person

Less visible than the clear air you breathe
And even more essential for living
To you, the gift Life itself must bequeath
Being alive means it’s done its giving
Where it has come from and where-all it’s gone
Is not in the realm of what can be proved
You can ponder till dusk, starting at dawn
Wonderment never is fully removed
Full awareness escapes us, this is sure
From it, you benefit nevertheless
Enriched with it, you will never be poor
And you, this Breath, beyond measure will bless
The Holy wind reaches you from above
Granting life within life, and the fire of Love.

                        —David W. Price, May 2021

The Rev. David Price